اضغط للتعرف على صاحب "سينماتك" والإطلاع على كتبه في السينما وكل ما كتبه في الصحافة Our Logo

  حول الموقعخارطة الموقعجديد الموقعما كـتـبـتـهسينما الدنيااشتعال الحوارأرشيف الموقعسجل الزوار 



المهرجان الدولي للسينما الأوروبية العربية (أسبانيا)

الدورة الثامنة 25 ـ 31 أكتوبر 2008م


لجنة التحكيم

  • ماجدة واصف (رئيساً)
  • عباس ارناؤوط
  • باسل رمسيس
  • بلانكو لوكاس
  • ادواردو جالينا
  • اليخاندرو بارريرومواملو


  • أفضل أفلام روائية طويلة 5،000 €

  • افضل وثائقي € 3،500

  • أفضل أفلام روائي قصير € 1،200

  • افضل وثائقي قصير € 1،200

  • افضل مخرج 4،000 €

اضافة الي جائزتي احسن ممثل وممثلة وجائزة الجمهور وقيمتها 1،500 يورو.


لقطة لاسرة المهرجان


الأفلام المشاركة



  • WAITING FOR PASOLINI - Daoud Aoulad Syad. Morocco. 2007. 98’
  • ANDALUCÍA - Alain Gomis. France - Spain. 2006. 90’
  • AHLAAM - Mohamed Al - Daradji. Irak. 2006. 110’
  • BAJO EL MISMO CIELO - Sílvia Munt. Spain. 2008. 90’
  • LA MAISON JANUE - Amor Hakkar. France - Algeria. 2007. 83’
  • MARRAKECH - Christian and Steffen Pierce. USA. 2007. 90’


  • TIRO LIBRE - Marcelo Piña Lorca.Chile - Egypt - USA. 2007. 104
  • AFTER THE WAR - Samir Abdallah. Egypt - Lebanon - France. 2008. 90´
  • A JIHAD FOR LOVE - Parvez Sharma. USA. 2007. 81’
  • SOY PALESTINO - Osama Qashoo. Palestine - cuba - UK. 2008. 60’
  • ATLAS BEREBER - Moisés Salama Benarroch. Spain. 2008. 82’


  • ABSENCE - Mohammed Rashed Bu-Ali. Bahrein. 2008. 11’
  • NIÑOS QUE NUNCA EXISTIERON - David Valero Simon. Spain. 2007. 19’
  • THE SHOOTER - Ihab Jadallah. Palestine. 2007. 7’
  • MAKE A WISH - Cherien Dabis. Palestine. 2008. 12’
  • ABIMBOWÉ - Álex Montoya. Spain. 2008. 3’
  • SILENT OF NIGHT - Amanda Adolfsson. Sweden. 2006. 28’
  • THE FUEL OF LIFE - Damian John Harper. Germany. 2007. 10’
  • NOT LIKE OTHERS - Amir Rasis. Egypt. 13’
  • FEATHER OF THE BIRDS - Amjad Abu Al.Ala. Sudan. 2007. 32’
  • SELLAM AND DÉMÉTAN - Mohamed Amin Benamraoui. Morocco. 2008. 14’


  • THE SONS OF EILABOUN - Hisham Zreiq. Palestine. 2007. 25
  • GOING NOWHERE- A STORY OF IRAQI REFUGEES - Zeina Aboul Hosn. Syria. 2007. 10’
  • BORDERLANDS - Sawsan Darwaza. Jordania, Denmark. 2007. 27’
  • DEAR TERRORIST - Fatima Geza Abdollahyan. Germany. 2008. 19’
  • LA CARAVANA DEL MANUSCRITO ANDALUSÍ - Lidia Peralta. Spain. 2007. 47’
  • NADIA, NADIE - Nuria Gómez Garrido. Germany. 2007. 11’
  • ON THE EAST SIDE - Mahasen Nasser-Eldin. Palestine. 2007. 23’
  • MY PALESTINE - Dima Abu Ghoush. Palestine. 2007. 20’
  • LAST STATION - Ghada Terawi. Palestine. 2007. 7’
  • ENGAIOLADOS - Alfonso Pérez Caneiro. Spain. 2007. 22’  



تعريف بالمهرجان

وإعلان الدعوة للدورة الثامنة


مهرجان أمل نتاج ضرورة خلق فضاء للتعاون في المجال السمعي والبصري بين أسبانيا والعالم العربي لتدعيم هذه الصناعات في المنطقتين.

أمل هو فضاء مخصص لتفاعل الثقافتين العربية والأسبانية وفرصة لتقريب عالمين متباعدين من خلال لغة أكثر عالمية: ألا وهي السينما

حقق مهرجان أمل في دورته الثانية نجاحاً باهراً من حيث الجماهير وكذلك من حيث إثراء البنية السمعية والبصرية الأسبانية. وقد وقع اختيار المعرض العربي الثاني للسمعيات والبصريات على 18 عمل لم تعرض بأسبانيا من قبل لعرضها في سانتياغو دي كومبوستيلا. وقد بلغ المهرجان ذروته بعرض فيلم وثائقي فلسطيني/سويسري بعنوان "الصبار" لأول مرة في الناصرية وسانتياغو دي كومبوستيلا في آن واحد، معلناً بذلك عن إتحاد المدينتين المقدستين تزامناً مع الإحتفال بالسنة اليعقوبية.

أما في سنة 2005، فقد حقق مرجان أمل الطفرة الأخيرة، محولاً بذلك إلى أول مهرجان دولي للسينما العربية يقام بأسبانيا.

ومع Amal 06، تأكد لمؤسسة أراغواني أن أهدافها وتطلعاتها قد تحققت. وكان إقبال الجمهور الذي قارب الثلاثة آلاف متميزاً بحيث تبين من خلاله الاهتمام الذي يوليه لواقع العالم العربي واللصناعة السينمائية.

أرسى مهرجان Amal 07  دعائمه كمهرجان دولي، بحيث بلغ عدد الأعمال التي توصل بها المهرجان خلال تلك الدورة ثلاثة أضعاف. وكان الجزء الرسمي يتكون من 47 عملاً: 30 فيلماً قصيراً و9 أفلام طويلة و8أفلام وثائقية، أغلبها عرض لأول مرة بأسبانيا. واختارت لجنة التحكيم الدولية المكونة من مختلف العاملين في المجال السمعي والبصري الفائزين خلال الدورة. ففي هذه الدورة وبغية دعم العرض الثقافي للمهرجان، نظم نشاطان موازيان: معرض (ملوَّن في زمن الحرب Colorist in wartime) يضم لوحات الرسام العراقي جبر علوان والتي تعرض لأول مرة بأسبانيا.

قدم لنا برنامج العروض الخاصة (من الشرق الأوسط مع حبي  From Middle East with love) أعمال تجريبية لنخبة من المبدعين الشباب العرب العاملين في المجال الفني الدولي المعاصر.

Amal 08، يرغب في الإسهام في تطوير الحوار الثقافي ودعم التعارف المتبادل وتطوير المشاريع المشتركة بين بلدنا وبلدان العالم العربي.

شكراً لكم جميعاً، ومرحباً بكم في مهرجان  Amal 08



عناوين المهرجان للإتصال هي:

AMAL Festival

25-31 October 2008

25-27 Montero Rios St.

15706 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

TEL: +34 981 559612 | FAX: + 34 981 598854

E-mail: amal@araguaney.com

Web: www.amalfestival.com


Member of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity (UNESCO)



بعض الصور للدورات السابقة



المهرجان الدولي للسينما الأوروبية العربية

الدورة الثامنة 25 ـ 31 أكتوبر 2008م


اللائحة التنظيمية            Regulations

Article 1: Amal Film Festival, in this year’s edition, will be held from October 25th to 31st, 2008. Those films selected to participate in the festival, either competing or out of the official section, will all be screened in Santiago de Compostela, site of the Festival.

Article 2: The films submitted for competition will be selected by the Festival’s Selection Committee. Any film, documentary film or short film produced in an Arab country or co produced among other countries and any Arab country can enter the contest. Those films produced in any other place of the world, based on Arab life or culture can also enter the contest.

Article 3: Entry forms must be submitted before June 30st. 2008. The Festival will acknowledge the signatory as only responsible prior to other persons who could have taken part in the production of the film.

Article 4: Entries should include the following documentation:

Preview copy of the film in VHS (PAL system) or DVD (Region 2). The Preview copies shall not be returned.

Entry form fully filled.

2 extracts of the film and the director’s curriculum and photograph (300 dpi)

Press and publicity material if available.

• Proof of holding the copyright to the film, Copies and permission in accordance with that stipulated in article 17 and annexes I and II of this regulation must be handed in.

Copy of the film script and synopsis translated into English, French or Spanish for further subtitling.

The inscription does not guarantee the exhibition of the film during the AMAL FESTIVAL. No fee should be paid for taking part in the Festival nor it will be paid for exhibiting the films submitted either.

Article 5: Entry forms should be addressed to:


Fundación Araguaney

Rúa Alfredo Brañas, 5

15701, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña


Article 6: The preview copies should be sent in VHS (PAL system) or DVD (Region 2). Copies should be checked several times in different reproducing devices before being sent. For security reasons, send a VHS copy (PAL system) along with the DVD.

The participants can submit as many films as they wish provided that each film is accompanied with its independent entry form in a separate package containing its VHS or DVD.

Each film should have a title and a remittent.

Article 7: All the films submitted for competition should be subtitled in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, or French in order to be examined by the Festival’s Committee or accompanied with the script in any of the above mentioned languages.

Article 8: All of the works chosen shall be shown at the Festival in original version, with sub-titles in Castilian (Spanish), Galician, Catalan or Vasque.

“Original version” means any version in which a film is exhibited in its country of origin.

Article 9: Films selected for the Festival will only be exhibited in BETACAM SP (PAL system), in Digital BETACAM or in 35 mm.

Article 10: Once the film is inscrita and selected, it will not be withdrawn from the program por parte de los productores o titulares de los derechos.

Article 11: The expenses of shipping films to the Festival’s site, as well as the insurance expenses, must be shouldered by the participants.

The copies are insured by the Organization since their arrival at the Festival premises until their reshipment.

A preview copy for pre selection purposes should be sent -carriage paid- and will not be returned and will be considered as property of the Festival’s Committee. The director will have the rights of the films submitted for competition.

Article 12:For shipping from outside the European Union we recommend the use of a Parcel service. Shipments from outside the European Union that have not paid the customs tariff will not be accepted.

Article 13: Should a print be damaged, any claims lodged should be addressed to the Festival at the latest one month after the Producer has received it. The Festival’s responsibility could be engaged only to the value of a new copy, according to the laboratory prevailing tariffs for the printing of a standard copy.

Article 14: The jury will be chosen by the Festival Management and will fulfill the following conditions:

It will be composed of five members at least, a third of them being prominent personalities from any Arab country.

No person in any way connected with the production and/or commercial exploitation of a competitive entry should be allowed.

The Jury’s deliberations are secret and decisions will be taken by simple majority. The Festival Management will take part in deliberations though with no vote.

The jury members will firmly agree not to reveal any opinion about the films submitted for consideration previous to the official prize presentation.

Any complaint or disputes (in organization or management) not provided by these regulations will be solved by the Festival’s Management in accordance to these rules.

Article 15: The jury shall choose three candidates for each of the categories to be awarded.

The jury, with regards to those nominated, shall hand over the following prizes:

  • Best long fiction film 5.000€
  • Best documentary 3.500€
  • Best short fiction film 1.200€
  • Best short documentary 1.200€
  • Best director 4.000€
  • Best female actor Trophy
  • Best male actor Trophy

Only one of these prizes can be ex-aequo.

Likewise, the Public’s Award shall also be announced, this will be decided by popular vote, and the prize is as following:

  • Amal Award from the Public 1.500€

Article 16: The Producers of the awarded films will agree to mention it in all publicity and press material, sparing the exact wording of the jury’s repot and using the Festival’s logo. This logo will be available at our offices and the Festival’s Web.

Article 17: The producers or those who hold the copyrights to the work presented at the Festival Amal 08 shall demonstrate that they have such rights to the Foundation Araguaney Puente de Culturas, the Festival’s organising body, and the documents shall then be verified.

The producers or those who hold the copyrights to the work will give permission to the Foundation Araguaney Puente de Culturas to copy and show the work in the Festival for free, as well as permission to use it for promotional purposes before, during and after the Festival.

Artículo 18: The producers or those who own the copyrights to films presented at the Festival shall hand over a copy of the work, with sub-titles in Castilian (Spanish) and in DVD format, to Casa Árabe – IEAM in accordance with Annex II of the current rules. This is to further collaboration between the Foundation Araguaney Puente de Culturas and Casa Árabe – International Institute for Arabic Studies and the Muslim World, which fosters cultural and general interest, and whose main aim is to strengthen and consolidate relations between Spain and the Arabic countries. The Spanish Foreign Office and the Autonomous Communities of Madrid and Andalusia are among those involved in this organisation.

Should Casa Árabe – IEAM use the film in any public acts in the future which are different from the activities included in Festival Amal 08, it should cover the payments due to the owners of the copyright.

Article 19: In case of conflict interpretations of these regulations, the Spanish text should be used. Participation in the Festival means acceptance of these regulations. Should there be disputes the Festival Management will prevail, according to the rules of the FIAPF regarding International Film Events.




إستمارة الإشتراك

ترخيص رسمي بحقوق العرض

ملصق الدورة الثامنة

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